As DAV leaders, it’s vital to periodically evaluate performance. In doing so, individuals should ask themselves difficult questions and answer them honestly. One question we should all explore is this: How can we improve our efforts to promote DAV and reach out to prospective members?
While DAV’s local leaders do amazing work serving our fellow veterans and families in need, there are always more tools available to reach our fellow veterans.
Here are five things you can do to help DAV assist more veterans:
- Spread the word when you receive DAV emails sent to you as department and chapter leaders. This strategic communication from DAV is meant to be shared with your members at meetings and through your other communication methods. Membership emails contain important dates and deadlines to sign up for programs to assist veterans. The emails contain specific ways to help fellow veterans through outreach and advocacy. Don’t let an email sit in your inbox unread. We’re counting on you to spread the word to your local membership and the public.
- You can now order Recruit A Warrior QR code business cards from the DAV store. A QR code is a barcode image in the general shape of a square people use to go directly to a specific website using their mobile phone’s camera. For DAV, this tool allows you to send prospective members directly to a DAV membership application. The best part is that you instantly get credit for signing up new members. Visit the website for step-by-step instructions to order your cards from the DAV store. This is a great way to increase DAV’s membership.
- You can benefit tremendously by accessing hot lists. They are amazingly useful in engaging veterans who are highly likely to be eligible for membership. These ZIP code-specific lists are a great way to do door-to-door campaigns to check on veterans. Ask them if they need help with their VA claims, assistance finding employment or transportation to medical appointments and talk to them about who we are and what we do. Ask them about their service. Are they a veteran newly eligible to file a VA claim due to recognition of new toxic exposure and burn pits presumptive conditions in the PACT Act? Encourage these veterans to file a claim and show them how DAV benefits advocates can assist them. Use the hotlists to make phone calls, send emails, and reach out over social media. Multiple chapters have proven this works to increase membership by putting the work in. Email membership [email protected] to request the hot list specific to your chapter today.
- Get out into the community to tell people about DAV. Fewer COVID-19 restrictions mean it’s time to return to festivals, community events and anywhere veterans gather. Get out to county fairs or visit other groups engaging with veterans. Share stories about how DAV benefits advocates can help veterans with their VA claims and how DAV is working hard to lobby Congress to protect veteran’s benefits.
- Talk about the individual and collective victories veterans are experiencing through DAV. Be positive in everything you say and do when you wear DAV apparel. We’re all proud to serve our fellow veterans. Let that quiet pride shine through in everything you do.