New members are the animating force behind DAV, fostering growth, bringing in new ideas and helping prevent member burnout.
But talking to potential members requires a unique understanding of the organization. When talking to someone about joining DAV, it’s crucial be clear about the benefits of membership without overwhelming them with too much information. So, how exactly do you manage this balance? It’s all there for you under the Member Resources section of
Once you’re in Member Resources, click on the ‘Publicity’ tile and find ‘Recruitment Resource.’ All the information you need is located there in three ways: digital, print and video.
The video is the perfect place to start. It gives a quick overview of all the tools available to you.
Next are the digital and print information sheets. Both offer the same details, but in slightly different formats. The digital information sheet includes links to programs and services offered by DAV that you can electronically share with potential new members, while you can put the print handout directly in their hands. On the back is a QR code, and once the person scans it with their smartphone, they have access to all the links in one location.
The brochures provide answers to the most frequently asked questions our membership department receives, from eligibility to the value of membership and even why there are membership dues at DAV.
But the answer to the most frequently asked question we receive is right at the top, “Why should I join DAV?” The answer is five simple and direct sentences that get you right to where you need to be in your conversation with a future member. It sets you up to communicate DAV’s mission and what it means to be a member.
We need your help spreading the word about these recruitment resources. By doing so you’re not only helping the DAV community grow in membership, you’re expanding DAV’s ability to help our family of members.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, you can always reach out to me and my team at [email protected].