Brian Moto, the son of Kaoru Moto, named DAV as a beneficiary in his will as a way to give back to the organization that supported his father and family.

When Hawaii resident Brian Moto signed documents naming DAV as a beneficiary of his estate, he felt like a rich man.

“I felt a sense of happiness,” said Moto, the son of wounded World War II Army veteran Kaoru Moto. “For the Moto family, Disabled American Veterans was an important organization.”

The elder Moto, a longtime member of the now-defunct DAV Chapter 2 in Maui, received the Distinguished Service Cross for heroism after being wounded in Italy in 1944. In 2000, the award was upgraded to the Medal of Honor and presented posthumously to the Moto family.

Although his father rarely spoke of his time in war, the local DAV and its members were constant reminders of his service and bravery. Moto said he was also a recipient of a DAV scholarship that helped provide him with an education and career. He chose to name DAV in his will as a way to say thank you and to support the organization’s continued work for disabled veterans and their families.

“I also think it’s important that the veterans themselves hear stories like mine and of my family,” Moto said. “Because I think it’s a story of encouragement and hope.”


Make a legacy gift to DAV through your will or estate plan

For more information about giving to DAV:

Did you know you can create a free will by visiting

When completing your legacy gift to DAV, please provide the following to your adviser:

  • Legal name: Disabled American Veterans
  • Address: 860 Dolwick Drive, Erlanger, KY 41048
  • Federal tax ID number: 31-0263158