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We solve veterans issues through legislation

For over 100 years, DAV has been advocating for better federal veterans programs, benefits, health care and transition services for the men and women who served, their families and survivors. DAV’s National Legislative Department takes the resolutions adopted by DAV members at our annual National Conventions to Congress to advocate for improved federal laws, regulations and policies of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and other federal agencies whose programs support the veteran population.

DAV’s key legislative priorities are detailed in the Critical Policy Goals brief linked below on this page. Please review these goals, participate in the Commander’s Action Network, and use the links below to ensure you are an effective advocate when meeting with your members of Congress and addressing these priorities and other important issues impacting veterans. Grassroots advocacy and your active participation is the key to our collective strength in Washington, D.C., and achieving more legislative victories for veterans in the year ahead.

DAV 2025 Critical Policy Goals (full)

DAV 2025 Critical Policy Goals (condensed)

DAV supports women veterans. Women in military circles have unique needs. Find out how we aid female veterans.

Supporting women veterans’ mental health and preventing suicide through gender-tailored care.

2024 Report

Vision for Veterans for the 119th Congres.

Do Not Reduce, Offset, or Tax Veterans’ Disability Benefits

Vision for Veterans


2024-2025 Legislative Program (Resolutions)

DAV’s Legislative Program includes all of the legislative resolutions adopted at our most recent national convention, which guide DAV’s positions on federal programs, policies and legislation.

Congressional Testimony

Read official testimonies DAV has delivered to the Senate and House of Representatives, which cover legislation, funding, policies and proposals to strengthen and reform veterans health care services and benefits programs.

Issue Briefs

Through a series of DAV issue briefs, learn more about the most critical issues challenging veterans today. Topics include veterans health care reform, caregiver support, women veterans, burn pits and survivor benefits.

Legislative Webinars

Find out how to become more involved and effective as a DAV advocate through our series of webinars about the legislative process, department and national conventions, resolution writing, Benefits Protection Teams and many other topics of interest to our members and supporters.

Independent Budget

In partnership with Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) and Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), DAV annually produces the Independent Budget and policy recommendations for the Department of Veterans Affairs and Congress.

DAV National Constitution, Bylaws & Regulations

The DAV National Constitution and its Bylaws, defined and affirmed each year at the National Convention, provide the fundamental principles that govern the duties of DAV members and officers, with the regulations of membership that cover election of officers, conventions, committees, dues and more.

Legislative Victories for Veterans in 2023, the First Session of the 118th Congress

Legislative Victories for Veterans in 2022, the Second Session of the 117th Congress

Legislative Victories for Veterans in 2021, the First Session of the 117th Congress

Since 1920, DAV has been a leader in the development and strengthening of federal programs, benefits, health care and transition services for the men and women who served, their families and survivors.

Statement of Policy

The Disabled American Veterans was founded on the principle that this nation’s first duty is the rehabilitation and welfare of its wartime disabled.

Vision for Veterans Fillable Form

Vision for Veterans Handout

DAV Identity Brochure

DAV By the Numbers

Legislative Goals Brochure


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