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DAV Recruiter Rally

DAV Recruiter Rally

DAV is looking for as many of our current members as possible
to recruit at least one new person each.

Beginning May 1, 2024 and running through June 30, 2025, any DAV or DAV Auxiliary member who recruits at least one DAV member is eligible to win a trip for two, including hotel, to Las Vegas for the 2025 DAV and Auxiliary National Convention and $2,500 spending money!

Simply recruit one member during this period and you’ll automatically be entered into the drawing.
After July 1, 2025, we’ll hold the drawing at DAV National Headquarters and broadcast it live on our social media channels.

There’s one entry per person regardless of the number of new members an individual recruits.

Apart from successfully recruiting a new, paid member in the allotted time, there’s no payment or donation required to enter the contest. DAV will issue a 1099-Misc tax document to the contest winner.

Employees of the DAV national organization are not eligible for entry into this drawing.

Recruit A Warrior

Recruit A Warrior is a tool to help you instantly sign up new members wherever you encounter veterans. Go to and enter your DAV membership number to generate your personalized recruitment link and QR code.

For tips and tricks on recruiting, you can find all the relevant information formatted in two ways: digital and print, and there’s also an accompanying video that explains how to use DAV’s Recruitment Resource.


Still have questions?

Contact the National Membership Department at [email protected], or toll free at 1-888-236-8313.