I need your help to find the next generation of DAV leaders. While the recruitment initiatives I coordinate from DAV National Headquarters are an important part of keeping our membership ranks strong, it’s the one-on-one interactions that everyday members like you have with prospective joiners that really makes a difference!

Not only do our grassroots recruiters help us ensure we meet our membership goals, but the mentoring and comradery they provide cultivates the leaders of our chapters, departments, and national organization. And that couldn’t be more critical than it is today. To help grow our ranks, I’d like to remind you of one more tool you can use – your local chapter membership.

DAV’s given you the tools to use, now you just need to start building local interest in your chapter and events. If you’re not sure where to start building that buzz, look at a calendar and see if there’s a special “national” date that interests you, your chapter and community.

If you’re not sure how to create that buzz, you can plan something for an existing national day. For example, National Veterans and First Responders day is the first Saturday in August. Also, in August, on the 10th is Agent Orange Awareness Day. March 1–7 is National Invest in Veterans week and would be a great time to plan an event. Maybe even try and partner with a local business for National Hire a Veteran Day on July 25. When your chapter has a program or event, share the information with your local TV and radio stations. They are always looking for national stories with a local news tie, and it’s the perfect way to get free publicity, which starts that local sizzle your chapter wants!

And don’t forget to share your ideas with other chapters. Use our new and improved department and chapter websites to share what you’re doing and other DAV members will be able to build on your success, which opens DAV up to more new members!

It doesn’t stop there. We know DAV is full of interesting people and I’ll say it, unique characters. A feature in DAV Magazine would be fun and help boost your chapter’s spirit. Share that story on DAV’s Memory Fox platform and start getting the word out now!

For more help and information, download DAV’s Publicity Guide which is located in the publicity tab of the Member Resources section of the website. As always, my team and I are here to help you, reach out to us at [email protected].