Convention to focus on critical issues facing the veteran community
Ill and injured veterans, their caregivers, families and guests will travel from across the country to attend the 97th DAV (Disabled American Veterans) and Auxiliary National Convention, in Reno, Nevada. Highlights include:
- House Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman Phil Roe and acting Secretary of Veterans Affairs Peter O’Rourke are slated to participate in the service and legislative seminar, discussing important issues impacting veterans;
- Steven Ross will discuss his book Hitler in Los Angeles, and members will learn how DAV members played a pivotal role in preventing the spread of Nazism on the home front ahead of World War II;
- Members will vote on hundreds of resolutions that will directly impact advocacy efforts, including homelessness, women veterans, caregivers and service-connected disabilities;
- Presentations will be made to the DAV Outstanding Disabled Veteran of the Year, top volunteers, youth scholarship recipients and employers committed to hiring disabled veterans;
- The election of DAV’s new national commander and other leadership will also take place.
Media planning to attend any events must register to obtain press credentials.
Photos and media may be made available upon request.
July 14-17, 2018
Grand Sierra Resort and Casino
2500 East Second Street
Reno, Nev. 89595
Click here for more information about the event, including a draft schedule.