DAV is disappointed and concerned by the findings brought to light by today’s VA Inspector General report, regarding sanitary measures, equipment shortages, chronic understaffing and other deficiencies at the Washington, DC VA Medical Center.
While the report marks noted improvements since last April, including major changes to the facility’s leadership, we know veterans deserve better and they have earned better. These findings highlight the critical need for sensible reform throughout the entire department, and for a clear path forward to providing veterans the high-quality health care they need.
We applaud VA Secretary David Shulkin’s proactive decision to implement immediate reforms throughout VA facilities, the Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN) and VA’s central office in an effort to prevent the kinds of problems this report and others have detailed. As part of this effort, we look forward to the May 1 release of a plan to restructure VA’s central office in Washington and encourage Secretary Shulkin to continue to engage with veteran service organizations to identify opportunities in which we can work together towards reorganization of the department in a manner which best serves and safeguards our nation’s veterans.